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Influence. Train. Advocate. Be the ultimate

Second Amendment Brand Ambassador.


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Refine your social media and marketing skills to secure brand sponsorships and excel as a premier brand ambassador.


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Hone in on your marksmanship skills and real-life defense scenarios, including force-on-force training, at a world class education facility near Orlando, Florida.


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Enhance your proficiency in on-camera interviews, podcasts, and radio to effectively articulate 2A messaging at a high level.  


Our mission is to empower ambassadors to positively impact their communities about personal safety, firearms, and constitutional rights through effective communication.

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Immerse yourself in five days of comprehensive training covering social media strategy, shooting techniques, and crisis communication. Gain the skills needed to become an influential advocate for the firearms community, adept at representing both yourself and your sponsors effectively while achieving marketing and shooting goals.


Meals, swag bags, equipment rental, ammunition are included, and participants will receive professional headshots along with action shots and video content for your repertoire.


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"Attending Ambassador Academy at W.O.F.T. is an essential experience for anyone in the 2A space. The connections I made as well as the knowledge I received will benefit me a lifetime.  The best investment you can make is within yourself, and the skills you will obtain at Ambassador Academy at W.O.F.T. will give you a great foundation for personal and professional growth we all need."  

WITh honor - Alicia G.

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